Jim Petry, Fire & EMS Lieutenant, Miami Township Fire & EMS

Jim has been in the fire service since 1989 and full-time at Miami Township since 2000. He has twenty-five years working with older adults. In that time he created a Senior Home Safety Program focused on Fall Prevention and Home Safety. 

He does education work shops discussing fall prevention strategies for the Elderly or Vintage adults and their caregivers. He has conducted over 400 home safety checks for the residents in Miami Township, Milford, and Loveland areas. 

His newest program is Community Paramedicine. This is a newer concept for the fire service, in that it focuses on prevention and proactive efforts to assist in keeping high need residents in their home. Through this program he has shown a 50% reduction in repeat 911 usage and emergency room visits with the higher 911 utilizers. This is possible through a positive resource management approach.  

He evaluates residents in their home and connects them with needed resources in the community.

He has a BS in Occupational Health & Safety and is currently working on a Master degree in counseling at Xavier University.